Living in Ritual.


COR is heart in Latin.


Every piece comes from my heart to yours. It's intended to support  your process of rewiring your spirit to connect more deeply with your heart and soul. With the support of the land and nature. Protecting you from the negative energies, empowering you to become a warrior of light.


In 2014, after a transformative period in Bali, Idonesia I wanted to honor this sacred experience. Thinking I would get a tattoo, I was headed to a parlor, when I saw a man working on a ring in his small studio next door.

During my time in Bali, I received a sacred stone from a women’s circle. I didn't want to loose it, in fact I wanted to carry it with me at all times. This stone was charged with each woman's energy from that circle. And this is the story of how my first piece came to be. I fell in love with the creative process and the meditative art.  - A shield that I carry with me to this day. One that protects, guides and speaks to me.



Now instead of a tattoo, I have a shield that reminds me to take a breath. And reminds me of a time of healing, community, and protection. From this experience, I realized the power of stones and crystals.  Each crystal and the silver and metal itself carries a message for the individual who wears it.

When making the shield, I meditate on the stone and channel the process in that moment. I pour energy and write symbols on it for the person who chooses to wear it. This stone then becomes yours. To nurture, care for and adore. In return you will get the same love back.


I hope you enjoy each piece, as it is naturally curated and created specifically for you.


Materials are sourced from known sources, stones come directly from the land - no mining and we make sure to know the people who are gathering them directly. Silver comes from a family home in Indonesia. We make sure you are wearing an empowered and organically sourced product. More stories on our materials coming soon. 



There's a COR Shield for everyone.